more than “no significant difference”

No Significant Difference:

A Multilevel analysis of the effect  of prompting self-regulation in technology-delivered instruction
Traci Sitzmann, Bradford S. Bell, Kurt Kraiger, Adam M. Kanar
Published in Personnel Psychology
Meta analysis found that web-based instruction was more effective that classroom instruction for teaching declarative knowledge.

National survey of student engagement 2008
Indiana University – George Kuh

Results show online students are more engaged than F2F students.

Bernard, Robert M.,  Ph.D.
Professor of Education, Educational Technology, Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance
Results show that online students out perform f2f students

US Department of Education
Evaluation of evidence -based practices in online learning – a meta-analysis and review of online learning studies – 2009
The meta analysis found that on average students in online learning conditions performed better than those receiving f2f instruction. And that students in blended learning conditions performed better than those receiving online or f2f instruction.

Internet-Based Learning in the Health Professions
A Meta-analysis
David A. Cook, MD, MHPE; Anthony J. Levinson, MD, MSc; Sarah Garside, MD, PhD; Denise M. Dupras, MD, PhD; Patricia J. Erwin, MLS; Victor M. Montori, MD, MSc
JAMA. 2008;300(10):1181-1196.
The meta analysis found that Internet-based instruction is associated with favorable outcomes across a wide variety of learners, learning contexts, clinical topics, and learning outcomes. Internet-based instruction appears to have a large effect compared with no intervention and appears to have an effectiveness similar to traditional methods.

Online Teaching and a Catalyst for Classroom-based Transformation