what would you do if you were starting an online program from scratch?

huge question … Some small suggestions:

  • Make it part of the strategic mission and vision of the institution.
  • Think strategically about what you are doing and why.
  • Start small.
  • Target online programs, rather than courses.
  • Think about this as an institutional initiative to further specific institutional goals and the mission/vision.
  • Library, bursar, advisors, etc. … – all student services and support have to be involved in the cultural change.
  • Support. support. support.
  • Think about faculty and students as customers and make sure they are always happy.
  • Collect data and use it to prove things, to improve things, to document impact, scale, growth, and success, and to justify things, etc.
  • Build on success and word of mouth.
  • Build it one instructor at a time. Build/cultivate trust among the faculty.
  • Use your faculty to spread the word.
  • Use faculty (and their course designs) as examples.
  • Use them to mentor or train for you.
  • Create a community of practice for faculty.
  • Base your approaches, program, process, recommendations on research.
  • Contribute to the research, or get your faculty to.
  • Turn theory into practice.
  • Quick start faculty with flexible effectively design course templates that incorporate research-based effective practices.
  • Use course design rubrics, standards formatively and summatively for course reviews.
  • Support innovation and experimentation.
  • Cultivate a culture of continuous improvement at the program, faculty and course levels.
  • Institute revision and improvement cycles and processes and implement them assiduously.
  • How will you measure success and impact?